During the initiation the future sadhus - so called in India wandering ascetics, who devoted their life foir spiritual practice - are deprived of hair throughout the body then they are not cut and shave their hair
Sanskara is a symbolic rebirth. During initiation, the devoted promises to serve his teacher - Guru, renounces possession of any property, and takes a vow of celibacy. From that day on, all his things necessary for daily spiritual practice are placed in a small bag, and members of the spiritual order becomes his family.
Not only men decide to devote their lives to asceticism and spiritual practice - some women also get initiation to Naga sadhu's tradition.
After the day ceremonies on the shore of the Ganges, the future hermits sing the mantra by the big ritual fire all night long. The final part of initiation into the tradition of the Naga Baba is night bathing in the Ganges.