
War Game: Día de Muertos


Dr Renier Palland



Short Description: 

“War Game: Día de Muertos” is set in the same bloody exciting universe as the successful War Game trilogy. War Game (Volume 1) was cited by critics as “unpredictable and as ruthless as Game of Thrones”. This spin-off ups the ante and introduces new readers to a more mature, ubiquitous world with rich characterization and impossible dangers. There are no guarantees. Ever. Everyone has an expiry date. The rules will be broken. The twists are rapid and succinct. Nothing can prepare you for what War Game truly contains.

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Flora Hernandez appeared in War Game (Volume 1) as a minor, docile character, yet her impact on War Game reverberated beyond the boundaries of words. War Game: Día de Muertos places Flora directly in the middle of a redemption and quasi-revenge narrative which will pit the underdogs against the elite in a game of tug and war unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Will the underdog survive? Or will an elite member of the 1% make it to the end? Who knows? War Game’s success lies in its unpredictability. Expect the worst, yet hope for the best. Plus, as an added bonus, the season will contain several “interaction points” where you, the reader, will make a difficult moral decision that will impact War Game for the rest of its existence.



Dr Renier Palland

Bio: Dr. Renier Palland was born in beautiful South Africa, but has since become a US citizen due to his contributions to Sociology, the film industry and philosophy.

Dr. Palland’s notable achievements include:

*Becoming an international award-winning poet and author.

*Working as a professional film critic.

*Being inducted into the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as an official voting member.

*Completing his studies at Stanford, UPenn & Sorbonne and receiving a D.SocSci, D.Litt, D.FilmLitt, PhD in Sociology, a Juris Doctorate in US Civil Law, and being nominated for the Nobel Laureate after solving a 200-year paradox in International Moral Politics.

Renier loves cats, reality television, and enjoys writing about the untold stories inside our human universes.


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War Game: Día de Muertos

War Game (Volume 1) cannot exist without an existential quasi-Nietzsche nihilism, now can it? The hauntingly popular War Game series has received its very own spin-off, but don’t be fooled by the premise.

Akin to the original, “Día de Muertos” takes the reader’s hand and leads them down a solemn, solitary stairwell. However, the power goes off and the reader is left alone in a world that contains more twists and turns than Kurt Vonnegut and “House of Leaves’” lovechild. 

Protagonists and antagonists switch their roles faster than “Game of Thrones” killed off its own. And speaking of killing off its own, War Game is a deluxe version of never caring about lead characters. They are built from a deeply emotional and empathic place, yet their lives are never infallible. 

War Game has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that modern thriller/horror literature doesn’t require a set of rules and a happy epilogue to keep its fans excited. 

The eponymous GOT Red Wedding might be bathed in hues of blood, but War Game is drenched in a menagerie of an untrustworthy state of entropy. 


War Game: Día de Muertos

War Game (Volume 1) cannot exist without an existential quasi-Nietzsche nihilism, now can it? The hauntingly popular War Game series has received its very own spin-off, but don’t be fooled by the premise.

Akin to the original, “Día de Muertos” takes the reader’s hand and leads them down a solemn, solitary stairwell. However, the power goes off and the reader is left alone in a world that contains more twists and turns than Kurt Vonnegut and “House of Leaves’” lovechild. 

Protagonists and antagonists switch their roles faster than “Game of Thrones” killed off its own. And speaking of killing off its own, War Game is a deluxe version of never caring about lead characters. They are built from a deeply emotional and empathic place, yet their lives are never infallible. 

War Game has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that modern thriller/horror literature doesn’t require a set of rules and a happy epilogue to keep its fans excited. 

The eponymous GOT Red Wedding might be bathed in hues of blood, but War Game is drenched in a menagerie of an untrustworthy state of entropy. 


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