CINE-BOOKS App allows you to Read, Listen and even Watch books like a real film. This is a new kind of storytelling entertainment for the whole family that combines the advantages of books and movies.

you will get

3 products for the price of 1


photo-illustrated ebook


READ the book in classic mode with cinematic quality photos on every page!




LISTEN to the story told by professional narrator with a background audio and musical inserts.

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WATCH the world classic bestseller like a movie with dynamic animations and special effects that breathe new life into every story!

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3 in 1 just for  $30.00

Publisher: CINE-BOOKS Entertainment Ltd.

The Gift of the Magi

by O.Henry

Genre: Short story, Christmas story, Love story
Frames: 61
Available languages: English
Production studio: CINE-BOOKS Production

Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating ©.

What is a good recipe for a love-story? Take a couple madly in love, add some money problems and spice it up with an upcoming Christmas.

The Gift of the Magi is a timeless story about sacrifice and love that will never lose its charm and its universal appeal. A beautiful romantic tale that will make you rethink your relationships and force you to go hug the person you love.

Beautiful photorealistic illustrations and music add even more emotion to this insightful story about the rewards of unselfish love. So, sit back, relax and read how Della and Jim, in spite of the lack of money, try to make each other a bit happier and a bit richer in their own way. 

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$30.00 Buy now
Enjoy on MANY platforms

CINE-BOOKS is a multiplatform channel of entertainment available on mobile — iOS, Android, Amazon. So, you can experience cine-books on your iPad, Android tablet, Amazon Kindle Fire. Even more, you can share the cine-books from your tablet to a big screen via AirPlay or Chromecast.

Note: the app is available for tablets only, not for phones.

Web version is also coming soon!

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Coming Soon